martes, 30 de junio de 2009
My blogging experience
Well, I think this is my last post before vacations!
I liked to be writting here, I think this is a good idea! We can learn more about English and about how to comunicate us. Personally, I think is it useful because I could learn not understand english only, but comunicate by myself ideas and other things related with me to the people.
Writting in class is good, the adventadge is that you can ask the teacher your doubts in writting sentences, and also is another kind of class, is more original than be into a classroom making "activities" with the book. Is more interactive.
But I think we wshould know our marks faster, so we can know in what areas we are getting wrong and improve our learning and also our English.
Computers from the computer lab work very slow!! :)
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
Really I don't know yet in what area I will work after graduating, I can't know that because I'm taking my first semester estudying, so I need to learn more about the career and its kinds of job. But I can imagine in what area I would like to work, and I think it may be some kind of administrative position. An administrative position requires integrity and honesty, and habilities in making coherent plans according to every situation. I think I would be god working at this position, because I think that working with honesty -wathever it be your working area- is something you can never avoid doing, it talks about yourself. And despite I'm not orderly or tidy in my everyday, I'm good making the things following a specific plan, I'm very responsible. Also I got a strong character -that's somenthing in my daily life that I don't like, but I do in the working one- so I can make the people do the things I want them to do. But if was there in my job with me someone just like me, with the same strong character, I would be most carefull and pacific, hahaha!
I think this is the most available kind of job, so I hope I get it faster than other ones.
I think this is the most available kind of job, so I hope I get it faster than other ones.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2009
Do schools kill creativity?
This video is about the creativity wich everyone born with, and the education that is teached in every school around the world. Ken Robinson says that the education we learn in our lifes is based on intellectual things, he states the schools prepare us to study at the universities, and to dedicate our life working without creativity.
I liked this video, because I think kids have a bigger creativity than the one adults have, but this creativity decreases as the years pass, largely due to the education we grow up with.
Personally, I would like teach my little nephews to be creative all their lifes, no matter what they do during they grow up, thus they will discover their talents, and enjoy the possibility of working based on them.
I liked this video, because I think kids have a bigger creativity than the one adults have, but this creativity decreases as the years pass, largely due to the education we grow up with.
Personally, I would like teach my little nephews to be creative all their lifes, no matter what they do during they grow up, thus they will discover their talents, and enjoy the possibility of working based on them.
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
The Best in my area
The person I chose is a chilean woman, our president of the republic Michelle Bachelet. I don't think she is the best in my area necessarily, but I admire her, because she managed to be the first female president of our country, and that's something really admirable. In spide of some people say she lacks of strong character, I think she has been firm with her proposes and development plans to improve the economic conditions of the conuntry. She has made a lot of good things to fight against the current world economic crisis, and to prevent this crisis affects the poor people and also the middle class. Because of that the society approves her management, giving her government period the 65% of approval approximately.
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
My Future
I'm going to tell you about my future. And what I'm going to do in 5 years from now.
First of all, I hope I finished my career (P.A) and become into a professional graduated from the Universidad de Chile. That's in the academic respect, but in the personal one, I wish to get married with my boyfriend Pablo, and have a life together, so if I'm not married in five years from now, I hope to get it soon. I want to live with him, we have talked about it, but we don't know yet where we will be linving. When I think of my future, always I see myself as a professional woman and completely successful, with the help from God and also with my own effort. Also I see myself as a married woman, with a cool life because of the good decisions I have taken during my life, that means, because of making the things the most correctly way as it's possible, and never separating from God and his principles.
First of all, I hope I finished my career (P.A) and become into a professional graduated from the Universidad de Chile. That's in the academic respect, but in the personal one, I wish to get married with my boyfriend Pablo, and have a life together, so if I'm not married in five years from now, I hope to get it soon. I want to live with him, we have talked about it, but we don't know yet where we will be linving. When I think of my future, always I see myself as a professional woman and completely successful, with the help from God and also with my own effort. Also I see myself as a married woman, with a cool life because of the good decisions I have taken during my life, that means, because of making the things the most correctly way as it's possible, and never separating from God and his principles.
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
My Career
As you must know, my career is named Public Administration. It's about the things concerning to the State and government, and it was created to educate the people who will work on the state set or on public things.
Honestly, I chose this career because I couldn't achieve to join in Laws. My PSU score wasn't enough, so I felt forced to choose another career, in a state-owned university, otherwise I would join into a private one (that's something I never aspired to). Thus I chose PA.
Studying PA I realised it's a very interesting career, also very varied, that's something I really like. But the bad thing of its variety, is that PA studies include MATHS!!! I hate them! (and most of my classmates too!) :)
But I got a desire: work into the State, Government or politics, and I hope and really believe this career helps me to come it true!!
Honestly, I chose this career because I couldn't achieve to join in Laws. My PSU score wasn't enough, so I felt forced to choose another career, in a state-owned university, otherwise I would join into a private one (that's something I never aspired to). Thus I chose PA.
Studying PA I realised it's a very interesting career, also very varied, that's something I really like. But the bad thing of its variety, is that PA studies include MATHS!!! I hate them! (and most of my classmates too!) :)
But I got a desire: work into the State, Government or politics, and I hope and really believe this career helps me to come it true!!
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
A photograph I like

There is a especial photo I really like. I did not know that picture was there until my aunt Yola, gave it to me few months ago. I like that photo because it's me when I was 5, and that times and moments are very especial to me. And I like it also, because the way my sister (the one who's married with a "gringo") poses makes me laugh, she wishes she was a model!
Always I say to my friends that I was living in Africa, so I use this photo to create a story and I say them: "look, that was my house there in Africa, and that's how my tribe was like"
I'd like to live there, really. I like being a dark-skinned girl!! That's why I love that picture, it makes me possible to imagine how would be my life in Africa.
Always I say to my friends that I was living in Africa, so I use this photo to create a story and I say them: "look, that was my house there in Africa, and that's how my tribe was like"
I'd like to live there, really. I like being a dark-skinned girl!! That's why I love that picture, it makes me possible to imagine how would be my life in Africa.
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
My most precious possession
Well, first of all, you must know that I really love cats, I think I could never live without one of them! Haha it sounds silly! :) Actually I got 2 cats at home, the older one (male) is named Coyán (OK, I know that's an horrible name, but I didn't choose it!), and the younger one (female) is named Japonesita (my mom has very original ideas... haha!). Japonesita is for me a little more special than Coyán is, because of the way I got her. I found her at a pet shop. Its owner had a cage outside there which had a notice saying: "we are giving kittens", and the cage was full of them. But I realised they were all sick! Then I wanted to save the prettyest one! So I picked up Japonesita.
She's now healthy, and became into a very crazy kitty cat!! But I love her. She and Coyán spend all day runing into my house, fighting and "laughing" together. I really enjoy to watch them having fun!
She's now healthy, and became into a very crazy kitty cat!! But I love her. She and Coyán spend all day runing into my house, fighting and "laughing" together. I really enjoy to watch them having fun!
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
My last vacation
Well, now I will tell you something about my last vacation on summer.
Since about 4 or 5 years ago, me and my family go every summer and actually every long holydays, to El Quisco. It is located in the V region of our country, in the central coastline.
We got a house in a condominium near to the border with Algarrobo.
We use to spend the Crhistmas day and New Year there in El Quisco, and last summer wasn't the exception, but my father loves the beach so besides we decided (he decided) to sped more days there (15 days). So we left Santiago at December 20, and returned there at January 15. I live with my paernts only, so the first days of our vacation we were just 3, but my sisters and their husbands and children (I got 2 sisters) and my brother with his son were arriving at the house while the days were passing by and there were more and more people every day.
Something I really like and I and my family enjoy and always remember, is the nigh of December 31 when every people go out of their houses and go to the beach, to the sand or to the streets to wait for the show and for the fireworks later the hug of New Year. It's a very exciting moment, because people who I've never seen says hi to me, and I can see kids and older people having fun!
A very remarcable moment, was when we were expecting the arrive of my sister, my brother in law and their son from the States after the New Year night (at El Quisco yet), we haven't seen them since one year ago! So we decorated the house, the condominium even the streets!! Then when they finally arrived, we received them and hold'em and cried and have a very moving time.
Also we went everyday to the beach, the forest, the center of El Quisco, we have lots of barbeques, we visited the penguins island in a bote, but the most thing we did was have fun!!
Besides the weather was very good the last days, were hot, so we went to the beach.
Since about 4 or 5 years ago, me and my family go every summer and actually every long holydays, to El Quisco. It is located in the V region of our country, in the central coastline.
We got a house in a condominium near to the border with Algarrobo.
We use to spend the Crhistmas day and New Year there in El Quisco, and last summer wasn't the exception, but my father loves the beach so besides we decided (he decided) to sped more days there (15 days). So we left Santiago at December 20, and returned there at January 15. I live with my paernts only, so the first days of our vacation we were just 3, but my sisters and their husbands and children (I got 2 sisters) and my brother with his son were arriving at the house while the days were passing by and there were more and more people every day.
Something I really like and I and my family enjoy and always remember, is the nigh of December 31 when every people go out of their houses and go to the beach, to the sand or to the streets to wait for the show and for the fireworks later the hug of New Year. It's a very exciting moment, because people who I've never seen says hi to me, and I can see kids and older people having fun!
A very remarcable moment, was when we were expecting the arrive of my sister, my brother in law and their son from the States after the New Year night (at El Quisco yet), we haven't seen them since one year ago! So we decorated the house, the condominium even the streets!! Then when they finally arrived, we received them and hold'em and cried and have a very moving time.
Also we went everyday to the beach, the forest, the center of El Quisco, we have lots of barbeques, we visited the penguins island in a bote, but the most thing we did was have fun!!
Besides the weather was very good the last days, were hot, so we went to the beach.
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
My Best Friend
Hi again people!
Now I'm gonna talk you about my fest friend. Her name is Tanya, and we met at school, (Madre Vicencia School) 7 years ago (then we both were 12), but the first 2 years we were just classmates. Tanya and me began to be friends after me and my group of friends were in troubles, (Tanya wasn't part of that group) and I was hateing them hahaha! And Tanya was just passing the same with her friends! Then we realised how much we had in common, and started our friendship, we found "refuge" in each other.
Tanya is a very special person, she loves the cats and she is so happy, and she likes also laugh a lot (just like me) that's somenthing that I love about her, we could spend all the day laughing together, some peolple think we laugh more than we must. We are very similar, and have the same personality so she is a littleBIG grumpy, and she gets angry easily, some moments I'd like to give her an "Armonyl"! That's the one thing I don't like about her!
When I think of the moments we have lived together, I remember a lot of them (everyone full of fun) but always comes to my mind the day when we take lots of pictures at school, (in class time) and we get away from the classroom and from the schoolyard's inspector hahaha we had a lot of fun that day! My dearest memory about her, is when I get sick -also at school- and she did all the possible so I could get to my house and recover. She cares about the people and is very lovely, all the people love her! I'd like the people love me too as they lover her.
Well, that's all for today,
Now I'm gonna talk you about my fest friend. Her name is Tanya, and we met at school, (Madre Vicencia School) 7 years ago (then we both were 12), but the first 2 years we were just classmates. Tanya and me began to be friends after me and my group of friends were in troubles, (Tanya wasn't part of that group) and I was hateing them hahaha! And Tanya was just passing the same with her friends! Then we realised how much we had in common, and started our friendship, we found "refuge" in each other.
Tanya is a very special person, she loves the cats and she is so happy, and she likes also laugh a lot (just like me) that's somenthing that I love about her, we could spend all the day laughing together, some peolple think we laugh more than we must. We are very similar, and have the same personality so she is a littleBIG grumpy, and she gets angry easily, some moments I'd like to give her an "Armonyl"! That's the one thing I don't like about her!
When I think of the moments we have lived together, I remember a lot of them (everyone full of fun) but always comes to my mind the day when we take lots of pictures at school, (in class time) and we get away from the classroom and from the schoolyard's inspector hahaha we had a lot of fun that day! My dearest memory about her, is when I get sick -also at school- and she did all the possible so I could get to my house and recover. She cares about the people and is very lovely, all the people love her! I'd like the people love me too as they lover her.
Well, that's all for today,
jueves, 9 de abril de 2009
Something about me
Hi!!!! I'm your beautiful classmate. My name is Carla, but you can call me Calu.
I am very happy, I like to laugh a lot everyday, and enjoy every moment in the day. I like English too, I've learned during the years I was in the school, and I feel lucky because one of my sisters is married with a "gringo" and she is also an english teacher, so when a I have a doubt about english, I ask them both.
So, I hope to know you, so then we can be friends and I'd like you to write about your selves in my blog, if you want, so we will know each other sooner!
See you at the university :)
I am very happy, I like to laugh a lot everyday, and enjoy every moment in the day. I like English too, I've learned during the years I was in the school, and I feel lucky because one of my sisters is married with a "gringo" and she is also an english teacher, so when a I have a doubt about english, I ask them both.
So, I hope to know you, so then we can be friends and I'd like you to write about your selves in my blog, if you want, so we will know each other sooner!
See you at the university :)
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