jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My Future

I'm going to tell you about my future. And what I'm going to do in 5 years from now.
First of all, I hope I finished my career (P.A) and become into a professional graduated from the Universidad de Chile. That's in the academic respect, but in the personal one, I wish to get married with my boyfriend Pablo, and have a life together, so if I'm not married in five years from now, I hope to get it soon. I want to live with him, we have talked about it, but we don't know yet where we will be linving. When I think of my future, always I see myself as a professional woman and completely successful, with the help from God and also with my own effort. Also I see myself as a married woman, with a cool life because of the good decisions I have taken during my life, that means, because of making the things the most correctly way as it's possible, and never separating from God and his principles.

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