jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

Really I don't know yet in what area I will work after graduating, I can't know that because I'm taking my first semester estudying, so I need to learn more about the career and its kinds of job. But I can imagine in what area I would like to work, and I think it may be some kind of administrative position. An administrative position requires integrity and honesty, and habilities in making coherent plans according to every situation. I think I would be god working at this position, because I think that working with honesty -wathever it be your working area- is something you can never avoid doing, it talks about yourself. And despite I'm not orderly or tidy in my everyday, I'm good making the things following a specific plan, I'm very responsible. Also I got a strong character -that's somenthing in my daily life that I don't like, but I do in the working one- so I can make the people do the things I want them to do. But if was there in my job with me someone just like me, with the same strong character, I would be most carefull and pacific, hahaha!
I think this is the most available kind of job, so I hope I get it faster than other ones.

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