jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My Career

As you must know, my career is named Public Administration. It's about the things concerning to the State and government, and it was created to educate the people who will work on the state set or on public things.
Honestly, I chose this career because I couldn't achieve to join in Laws. My PSU score wasn't enough, so I felt forced to choose another career, in a state-owned university, otherwise I would join into a private one (that's something I never aspired to). Thus I chose PA.
Studying PA I realised it's a very interesting career, also very varied, that's something I really like. But the bad thing of its variety, is that PA studies include MATHS!!! I hate them! (and most of my classmates too!) :)
But I got a desire: work into the State, Government or politics, and I hope and really believe this career helps me to come it true!!

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