jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last vacation

Well, now I will tell you something about my last vacation on summer.
Since about 4 or 5 years ago, me and my family go every summer and actually every long holydays, to El Quisco. It is located in the V region of our country, in the central coastline.
We got a house in a condominium near to the border with Algarrobo.
We use to spend the Crhistmas day and New Year there in El Quisco, and last summer wasn't the exception, but my father loves the beach so besides we decided (he decided) to sped more days there (15 days). So we left Santiago at December 20, and returned there at January 15. I live with my paernts only, so the first days of our vacation we were just 3, but my sisters and their husbands and children (I got 2 sisters) and my brother with his son were arriving at the house while the days were passing by and there were more and more people every day.
Something I really like and I and my family enjoy and always remember, is the nigh of December 31 when every people go out of their houses and go to the beach, to the sand or to the streets to wait for the show and for the fireworks later the hug of New Year. It's a very exciting moment, because people who I've never seen says hi to me, and I can see kids and older people having fun!
A very remarcable moment, was when we were expecting the arrive of my sister, my brother in law and their son from the States after the New Year night (at El Quisco yet), we haven't seen them since one year ago! So we decorated the house, the condominium even the streets!! Then when they finally arrived, we received them and hold'em and cried and have a very moving time.
Also we went everyday to the beach, the forest, the center of El Quisco, we have lots of barbeques, we visited the penguins island in a bote, but the most thing we did was have fun!!
Besides the weather was very good the last days, were hot, so we went to the beach.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My Best Friend

Hi again people!
Now I'm gonna talk you about my fest friend. Her name is Tanya, and we met at school, (Madre Vicencia School) 7 years ago (then we both were 12), but the first 2 years we were just classmates. Tanya and me began to be friends after me and my group of friends were in troubles, (Tanya wasn't part of that group) and I was hateing them hahaha! And Tanya was just passing the same with her friends! Then we realised how much we had in common, and started our friendship, we found "refuge" in each other.
Tanya is a very special person, she loves the cats and she is so happy, and she likes also laugh a lot (just like me) that's somenthing that I love about her, we could spend all the day laughing together, some peolple think we laugh more than we must. We are very similar, and have the same personality so she is a littleBIG grumpy, and she gets angry easily, some moments I'd like to give her an "Armonyl"! That's the one thing I don't like about her!
When I think of the moments we have lived together, I remember a lot of them (everyone full of fun) but always comes to my mind the day when we take lots of pictures at school, (in class time) and we get away from the classroom and from the schoolyard's inspector hahaha we had a lot of fun that day! My dearest memory about her, is when I get sick -also at school- and she did all the possible so I could get to my house and recover. She cares about the people and is very lovely, all the people love her! I'd like the people love me too as they lover her.
Well, that's all for today,

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Something about me

Hi!!!! I'm your beautiful classmate. My name is Carla, but you can call me Calu.
I am very happy, I like to laugh a lot everyday, and enjoy every moment in the day. I like English too, I've learned during the years I was in the school, and I feel lucky because one of my sisters is married with a "gringo" and she is also an english teacher, so when a I have a doubt about english, I ask them both.
So, I hope to know you, so then we can be friends and I'd like you to write about your selves in my blog, if you want, so we will know each other sooner!
See you at the university :)